Much of the fun of doing the furniture transformation, is finding the goodies. Donna found an auction in Milton a few weeks ago, but hadn't been to a live auction before and the last time I'd been at one, I was a little girl.
Going to Milton for this auction took me right back to the Milton Fairgrounds with my parents, who loved collecting antiques. I don't know how, but I still remember the name of the auctioneer who held me spellbound decades ago. Chris Schouten He was fantastic, and memories of those days with my parents came flooding back. I still have some of the pieces they'd purchased during those auctions and they'll be with me always.
But enough reminiscing. That day, Donna and I were very sensible and had discussed what we did, and didn't plan to do. We would be cool. We would observe and watch, lay back and learn. No borrowing the truck - that would be foolhardy, and we're nothing if not calm and collected. It goes without saying that we had to go back for the truck, then bid for more things once we got back. It was a blast and we got some wonderful pieces.
Here's a picture of ( well, the majority of) our haul, loaded on the back of the truck. The cab was well filled, too and we'd brought back a couple of things already in the car when we went for the truck. It was a fantastic day - cool but not cold, sunny with spectacular views of the Fall colours on the Niagara Escarpment. Now to the work of fixing up our treasures for you!
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